Our team has published multiple papers on the topic of Muslim mental health, with many still in the writing and submission process. You may access pre-prints of all accepted/published papers below.

Vulnerable – Not zealous: Muslim converts experience greater distress when experiencing religious struggle.

Spiritual bypass as a moderator of the relationships between religious coping and psychological distress in Muslims living in the United States.

Exploration of an Immigrant Paradox in Muslims living in the United States (MLUS)
Conference Presentations
Ahmad, S. S. (2023, November). Toward religious and spiritual competencies in evidence-based practice: Research, training, community, and clinical applications. Chaired symposium accepted to be delivered at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies’ (ABCT) 57th annual convention, Seattle, Washington.
With co-speakers: Dr. Amy Weisman de Mamani, Ph.D., Merranda McLaughlin, M.S., Dr. Caroline Kaufman, Ph.D., Andrew Dimmick, M.S.
Discussant: Dr. Jesse Fox, Ph.D.
Ahmad, S.S., McLaughlin, M.M. (2022, November). On the front lines of the Muslim mental health crisis: Risk of Psychosis, High Suicide, Low Help-seeking, and the vulnerability of Converts to Islam. Co-chaired symposium at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies’ (ABCT) 56th annual convention, New York City, New York.
With co-speakers: Dr. Rania Awaad, M.D., Katrina Rbeiz, B.S.,
Discussant: Dr. Amy Weisman de Mamani, Ph.D.
Ahmad, S.S. (2022, September). Trauma, Intersectionality, and Discrimination: Presentations from the AMENA-Psy trauma research collaboration group. Chaired symposium at the Arab American, Middle Eastern, and North African Psychological Association's (AMENA-Psy) 3rd annual conference, virtual.
With co-speakers: Isha Hammad, M.S., Dr. Nuha Alshabani, Ph.D.
Discussant: Dr. Maryam Kia-Keating, Ph.D.
Ahmad, S.S., McLaughlin, M.M., Weisman de Mamani, A.G. (2022, April). Spiritual bypass in Muslims: Validation and relationship to religious and spiritual coping, help-seeking attitudes, and self-stigma. Data Blitz Presentation at the midyear conference of Division 36 (Society for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality) of the American Psychological Association’s (APA), virtual.
Ahmad, S.S. (2021, November). Cultivating religiosity and spirituality (R/S): spiritual bypass and external locus of control as barriers to better mental health. Chaired symposium at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies’ (ABCT) 55th annual convention, virtual.
With co-speakers: Dr. Jesse Fox, Ph.D., Dr. Amy Weisman de Mamani, Ph.D., Dr. Serena Wong, Ph.D.
Discussant: Dr. Stevan Lars Nielsen, Ph.D.
McLaughlin, M.M., Ahmad, S.S., Weisman de Mamani, A.G., (2021, November). Seeking Help While Being Othered: The Effect of Islamophobia and Discrimination on Muslims Living in the United States. Chaired and gave oral presentation given at the 54th annual Meeting of the Association for Behavior and Cognitive Therapies Convention, virtual.
With Co-Speakers: Dr. Rania Awaad, M.D., Hanan Hashem, M.A., Dr. Khashayar Farhadi Langroudi, Psy.D.
Discussant: Dr. Ayse Ikizler, Ph.D.
Ahmad, S.S., McLaughlin, M.M., Weisman de Mamani, A.G. (2021, October). Exploration of an immigrant paradox in Muslims living in the United States (MLUS). Oral presentation in a symposium at the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion’s 71st annual convention, Portland, Oregon.
Ahmad, S.S., McLaughlin, M.M., Weisman de Mamani, A.G. (2020, November). Spiritual bypass as a moderator of the relationships between religiosity and psychological distress in Muslims living in the United States. Oral presentation in a symposium at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies' 54th annual convention, virtual.
McLaughlin, M.M., Ahmad, S.S., Weisman de Mamani, A.G., (2020, November). Predictors of Help-Seeking and Therapeutic Preferences in Muslim Americans. Chaired and gave oral presentation at the 54th annual Meeting of the Association for Behavior and Cognitive Therapies Convention, virtual.
With Co-Speakers: Dr. Mona Elgohail, Ph.D., Dr. Stephanie Winkeljohn Black, Ph.D., Salman Ahmad, M.S.
Discussant: Dr. Amy Weisman de Mamani, Ph.D.
McLaughlin, M.M., Ahmad, S.S., Weisman de Mamani, A.G. (2020, September). Examining Demographic Concordance of Clinicians and Therapeutic Preferences of Muslims Living in the United States. Poster presentation at the American Arab, Middle Eastern, and North African Psychological Association’s (AMENA-PSY) 1st convention, virtual.
Ahmad, S.S., McLaughlin, M.M., Weisman de Mamani, A.G. (2020, September). Acculturation as a moderator of the relationships between perceived discrimination or Islamophobia and negative attitudes toward psychological help-seeking among Muslims living in the United States. Oral presentation at the American Arab, Middle Eastern, and North African Psychological Association’s (AMENA-PSY) 1st convention, virtual.
Society for Personality and Social Psychology’s (SPSP) Religion & Spirituality Preconference (February 22nd, 2023)
Understanding and tackling the low engagement in mental health treatment among Muslims: from research to social and clinical implementation
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Florida International University (FIU) Herbert Wertheim College Of Medicine’s (HWCOM) Muslims in Healthcare Group (November 21st, 2022)
The Muslim American Project (MAP) and Implications for Research and Practice with Muslims
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National Association of Muslim Lawyers’ (NAML) Annual Conference (November 12th, 2022)
Invited speaker at panel on Muslims’ work-life balance
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The South Florida Muslim Federation (October 28th, 2022)
A Brief Overview of Mental Health Symptoms & Treatment Models
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Spiritual and Religious Issues in Behavior Change Special Interest Group (November 19th, 2021)
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies' (ABCT) 55th Annual Convention
Title: Spiritual bypass and an immigrant paradox among Muslims living in the United States: Studies from the Muslim American Project at the University of Miami
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Catholic University of America (March 30th, 2021)
Sociology of Religion Honor's Class
Title: Spiritual bypass as a moderator of the relationships between religiosity and psychological distress in Muslims living in the United States
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Arab American, Middle Eastern, and North African Psychological Association (AMENA-Psy; June 8th, 2021)
Title: Therapeutic considerations and the role of spiritual bypass for Muslims living in the United States (MLUS)
2022 - APA Division 36’s (Society for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality) Student Research Grant to deliver a Psychoeducational Workshop to Muslims in Florida ($2000)
PI: Salman S. Ahmad. Co-PIs: Merranda McLaughlin, Amy Weisman de Mamani.
2022 - APA Division 29’s (Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy) Charles J. Gelso Grant to deliver Culturally Informed Therapy to Muslims in Florida ($5000)
PI: Merranda McLaughlin. Co-PIs: Salman S. Ahmad, Amy Weisman de Mamani.
2021 - APA Division 36’s (Society for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality) Diversity Travel Grant Award to present at the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion’s (SSSR) 71st annual convention in Portland, Oregon ($500)
2020 - Graduate Activity Fee Allocation Committee (GAFAC) - University of Miami to recontact Muslim American participants for a one year follow-up study ($750)
PI: Salman S. Ahmad. Co-PIs: Merranda McLaughlin, Amy Weisman de Mamani.
2020 - APA Division 36 (Society for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality) Research Seed Grant to collect a representative sample of Muslim Americans ($1000)
PI: Salman S. Ahmad. Co-PIs: Merranda McLaughlin, Amy Weisman de Mamani.
2019 - Fred C. and Helen Donn Flipse Research Support Fund (University of Miami Psychology Department) toward a master’s thesis - University of Miami to collect a representative sample of Muslim Americans ($2,500)
PIs: Merranda McLaughlin, Salman S. Ahmad. Co-PI: Amy Weisman de Mamani.
News & Media
Merranda McLaughlin interviews with Edward Mitchell, Esq. regarding the mental health needs of Muslims living in the United States (minute 15:25)